Jen has applied to attend Academy of Art Summer Pre-College Art Experience this summer and is raising funds for her program fees. Can you help?
Fine Arts
Summit Public Schools: Shasta
Daly City, CA
Successfully funded on May 2nd, 2016!
Fully funded!
$721 raised
$0 to go
Still want to help? Donate directly to Wishbone so we can help more students like Jen.
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Jen's Story

My passion is art.

I had always enjoyed art class at school. I liked having the time and materials set aside to get invested in an art project and seeing the variety in the creations of my peers. I always look forward to any free time I have to draw and exploring new mediums and techniques for art continues to excite me every time.

As a current junior in high school and in a family of 6 kids, my life is extremely busy running to and from everyone's different extra curricular's and trying to balance it with school simultaneously. Needless to say, I found myself with no time to draw and really sit into my art. As college comes closer and closer into the horizon I've been thinking about what role I want art to play in my life; it is no doubt something that I want to pursue with my future and if possible on a professional level, but I've found myself with no where to start and no one currently in my life to consult. This Pre-College Art Experience would not only allow me to grow in my ability and experience a truly art and creativity-focused community but also to shed some light on what pursuing art in college means and how I can go about making my passion a part of my life on the next level.

A Note from Ms. Kircher, Jen's Mentor

Jen has an incredible passion for art, but has had little opportunity to pursue art in a more academic context. She would benefit greatly from learning about art and design and the many possible applications of her talent. The college credits that she could earn would also put her ahead in her pursuit of a four-year degree after high school. Jen has such raw talent, it would be great to see what she could put together with actual support and guidance. A portfolio of work could also greatly benefit her in the college application process senior year.

Campaign Activity
Jen posted an update
August 8
Post Summer Post :))

Two days ago, I collected my art at the end of summer exhibition, and wow, it's been a journey. It was great to be able to immerse myself in art throughout the summer, and in such diverse styles and areas between each of the four classes I got to take.

Architecture introduced me to technical drawing and it was so nice to find artistry in things as arbitrary as straight lines and scales.

Character Design had to be my favorite class. Our teacher Mark pushed me to get down proportions and extend my characters to embody a personality. His energy and insight inspired me big time--he is one talented human being.

Illustration had us create a tarot card for our final project, and I think it is in this class that I got the most time for myself in pushing my colors and design aspects. Eli was a lot of fun to be around, and I think illustration is something I would seriously look into doing in the future.

Animation--it did not disappoint. We were pretty much given free reign to do whatever we wished with MAYA, a 3D modeling and animation software. While I much prefer paper to create things, it was so special for me to actually see my art come to life and give them movement. I actually had a lot of fun, and am excited to see the potential and possibilities I have with this new found medium.

Overall, I am so happy to have chosen to spend my summer here and am just so thankful for all those who helped me to get here. Thank you, from the bottom of my art-fueled heart :)

Model Sheet and Character Line Up from Character Design
Model Sheet and Character Line Up from Character Design
Learned from the machine Eli Harris
Learned from the machine Eli Harris
One of many technical drawings done in Drawing for Architecture
One of many technical drawings done in Drawing for Architecture
Jen posted an update
June 7

I have received such overwhelming support for my campaign. Thank you, it totally caught me by surprise. As of now everything for this summer seems lined up and ready to go, I just need to get my supplies and attend :) School hass been a lot with the heat of standardized testing and AP's this month, but I think we are over the hill. It is motivating for me to finish the year knowing that I will be able to relax and concentrate on my art this summer.
Wow I'm excited.
I've attached some of the projects and collaborations I've been able to do this year, I guess to validate that I am actually interested in this but also to give a quick snapshot of how art is in my life right now. I'm hoping to be able to compare them to my post-summer capabilities.

Again, thank you for your support, my heart is full.

Space Egg ft. my dirty kitchen floor
Space Egg ft. my dirty kitchen floor
Collab with Lucas Chen, he drew it (!) and I colored
Collab with Lucas Chen, he drew it (!) and I colored
Shasta has an Art Wall :)) Zainab and I are proud parents haha
Shasta has an Art Wall :)) Zainab and I are proud parents haha
Success! Ms. Kircher helped Jen raise $721
May 2
Virginia Lam donated $32
May 2

Hello Jen! Have fun at Academy of Art Summer Pre-College Art Experience :) I hope you're having a great year at Shasta! I'll come visit you soon.

Zack Miller donated $20
May 1
Anonymous donated $20
May 1
Colin Dalton donated $25
April 29

Good luck Jen! Let me know if you need anything else!

Academy of Art University
Academy of Art University donated $525
April 14
Student Contribution donated $99
April 14
Ms. Kircher started this campaign
April 14
Jen was accepted into Wishbone!
January 29