Victoria has applied to attend Nike Basketball Camp - Day this summer and is raising funds for her program fees. Can you help?
Uncommon Preparatory Charter High School
Brooklyn, NY
Successfully funded on June 18th, 2015!
Fully funded!
$598 raised
$0 to go
Still want to help? Donate directly to Wishbone so we can help more students like Victoria.
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Victoria's Story

My passion is basketball.

Attending Nike Basketball Camp will help me develop my passion because I'll put in 100% effort during the physical activities. Growing up, I've always been an active person, and this program is a place where I can show my abilities proudly.

I want to be part of Nike Basketball Camp because I'd add not only a sense of optimism, but ambition. This program will help me grow as a person now and when I go to college. With all the success I hope to accomplish, I will always be able to thank Wishbone for helping me reach it.

A Note from Mr. Campbell, Victoria's

"Victoria is a tremendous student and a leader on the school's basketball team. She would greatly improve her play and will take the lessons learned to help lead the team next year."

Campaign Activity
Success! Mr. Campbell helped Victoria raise $598
June 18
Uncommon Summer 2015 Campaign donated $280
June 18
Abby Weir donated $40
June 5
Michael Pavlis donated $30
May 23

Best of luck Victoria.

Atiba Edwards donated $150
May 21
Samantha Spaeth donated $25
May 21

I'm so proud of your hard work in high school, Victoria. Keep it up! -Ms. Spaeth

Anonymous donated $73
May 1
Mr. Campbell started this campaign
May 1
Victoria was accepted into Wishbone!
April 29