Juliann has applied to attend UConn Pre-College Summer Program this summer and is raising funds for her program fees. Can you help?
Liberal Arts
Orville H. Platt High School
Meriden, CT
Successfully funded on May 1st, 2017!
Fully funded!
$1,850 raised
$0 to go
Still want to help? Donate directly to Wishbone so we can help more students like Juliann.
Donate to Wishbone
Juliann's Story

My passion is medicine.

When I was younger I was always fascinated by medicine. Just recently I suffered a tennis injury. Along with the injury came physical therapy, surgery and numerous doctor visits. Going through this process I became intrigued by my anesthesiologist and anesthesiology in general. I started reading more about this field and discovered that this is my dream profession. I am currently obtaining my clinical hours in a medical careers class to become a CNA. My teacher has told me on numerous occasions that she feels this is a natural path for me and I concur. It brings me joy to know that I can help someone in need, on a daily basis. Experiencing this fulfillment in such a short amount of time makes me excited to pursue my dream in the medical field.

A Note from Mrs. DiPace, Juliann's Teacher

Juliann is a great candidate for the UConn Pre-College Summer Program because it will give her a chance to experience education in a collegiate setting. Our school is an inner city school that does not have a college campus in town, so our students are disadvantaged because in order to have higher level educational experiences they must travel. Juliann will benefit from a prestigious program like this one as she will be able to study with students from around the world who share the same love for education and knowledge as she does. Juliann is a mature young lady that will appreciate and grow from this opportunity.

Campaign Activity
Success! Mrs. DiPace helped Juliann raise $1,850
May 1
Wishbone General Fund donated $815
May 1
Lindsay Watson donated $25
April 18

Wishing you the best of luck in all of your endeavors!! Miss you!

An Anonymous Donor matched this donation with $25

Thomas Ferracci donated $200
April 7
James and Veronica Pellegrino donated $250
April 3

We are so proud of all your accomplishments since you were a young girl to a aspiring young women. We support you 100 percent and love you endlessly. You will make a wonderful Doctor one day. Keep true to your dream and who your are. WE LOVE YOU Sweetie and Poppa.

Pamela Guest donated $10
April 2

Good luck!

Rosemary Parkin donated $25
April 2

I always knew you would be successful in whatever field you chose for yourself. Keep working towards those dreams!

University of Connecticut
University of Connecticut donated $500
March 27
Mrs. DiPace started this campaign
March 27
Juliann was accepted into Wishbone!
February 1