Muqadas has applied to attend Envision NYLF Medicine this summer and is raising funds for her program fees. Can you help?
Science & Medicine
Leadership Public School
Hayward, CA
Successfully funded on May 17th, 2016!
Fully funded!
$3,195 raised
$0 to go
Still want to help? Donate directly to Wishbone so we can help more students like Muqadas.
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Muqadas's Story

My passion is helping others.

Helping others has been my passion since I was a little girl. In my home country of Afghanistan, I observed many people suffering from hunger, war, and health problems. The economy is very bad and there was nothing that I can do to help others, but to just watch and donate money when my family could. I was left with the need to take some kind of action to help. I discovered that I want to, one day, provide support for people all around the world and help them with their health because some countries cannot afford medicine. I don't want anyone to be let down. I hope to care for kids and people. I want to bring hope to kids and people in other countries that suffer, like my own. My passion for helping people is something that lies deep within me and I hope to pursue a career that will allow me to give back in this way. I want to be the person that brings hope and happiness to people and make a positive change in their lives somehow. My passion grew within me by witnessing my own people suffering.

Attending this program will help me discover more about myself and others by being a part of a program that will expose me to new situations. I hope to build my confidence and explore my passion of helping others even more. I want to begin working now towards gaining skills that will allow me to achieve my future career goals. Therefore, attending this program will help me take me a step closer to building skills that will lead me to become a positive leader in my community.

A Note from Mrs. Ellis, Muqadas's Teacher

Muqadas will benefit from this opportunity in medicine because I believe it will give her more confidence to pursue her dreams. She has many gifts and talents, school is definitely one of them. I don't think she realizes all that she can do with her abilities, so this opportunity will give her the chance to explore various careers. Muqadas is an excellent candidate because she brings happiness to whatever she does. She affects those around her with her never give-up attitude and growth mindset. When life gets challenging, Muqadas greets it with persistence. In addition, she consistently strives for academic excellence- she works very hard in her classes and rises to any challenge.

Campaign Activity
Muqadas posted an update
August 5
Thank You

Dear Donors,

Once again, I just wanted to thank you for giving me the opportunity to attend this program. I learned many things throughout this program. Such as, learning how to CPR, how to suture, how to open an airway if blocked, and emergency wilderness tips. Adding on to this, I also learned that this is my passion to go along with medicine. I figured out some of the things that I don't want to do in medicine; such as, going into the surgical field. I discovered that I want to become a Pediatric Physician assistant. Now, I have the advantage of being informed about my career path and can start volunteering to further pursue my dream. Thank you!

Muqadas Ebadi

Muqadas posted an update
June 7
Thank You

Thank you for donating to my campaign to attend National Youth Forum on Medicine, this is a life experience for me. I am really grateful for being able to have the chance to go to this program and you made this happen. I am really excited for going to this program because I really believe in myself, that I can make a change in this world and help others in a big way. I know this program will help me with my future and boost my intelligence level in a big way. Thank you!

Success! Mrs. Ellis helped Muqadas raise $3,195
May 17
Anonymous donated $1,646
May 17
Jennifer Shih donated $25
May 5

GO GIRL!! <3

Anonymous donated $50
May 3
Crystal Winfrey donated $25
April 17
Carol Buchser donated $50
April 16

Good luck in pursuing your dreams!

Jackie Lichter donated $25
April 16
Laurie Ellis donated $75
April 16
Anonymous donated $100
April 15

We will all benefit from a young women with such great compassion and motivation.

Envision donated $1,000
April 14
Student Contribution donated $199
April 14
Mrs. Ellis started this campaign
April 14
Muqadas was accepted into Wishbone!
January 29