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Environmental & Outdoors
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Since I was little I've always loved to take care of the environment as well as the well-being of wildlife. I grew up taking care of my grandmother's farm animals and her beautiful garden. Since then, I have developed an immense devotion to protecting the environment from the harmful hands of man.
I would love to attend Trail Blazers this summer to enhance my knowledge on the environment and learn ways we can give back to the earth. This opportunity will allow me to experience my passion and help me get an understanding of a possible job in the future. This experience will expose me to circumstances and place me out of my comfort zone but I'm ready and very excited to do so!

Lorea has expressed her interest of learning about plants, the environment and conservation. I think that this two week program will allow her to explore her interests in a strong group of other high school students who have similar desires to learn about conservation and the environment. She has developed into an aspiring leader in the last 2 years and the program would give her an opportunity to learn and develop leadership skills that she can continue to use throughout her life. Living in New York City presents itself with few opportunities to explore nature in a less urban environment. By participating in Trail Blazers Camp, she will access resources to learn how to deepen her understanding of the environment and her surroundings. I expect her to bring back her experiences to share with our advisory, but also to encourage her to join the Green Team at the school and continue her education in environmental science and conservation. Lorea is an excellent candidate for the program where she will succeed by learning to work in new surroundings and within a new community on common goals.
I attended Trail Blazers Leadership program this summer. Before attending this program, I believe I did not truly embrace the value of gratitude. I thought I was grateful for everything in my life, whether it be the bed I sleep in or my protective yet loving mother. But to be completely honest, I did not. I did not know what it felt like to not have the commodities I have at home until I got to Trail Blazers.
When you are forced into a situation you may not necessarily like with people who are complete strangers to you, you learn to understand where the people around you come from, despite all the differences. You are compassionate when they approach you with their own problems, because you would like to be treated the same way. Trail Blazers is successful in creating this environment for each and every one of their campers because of their especially caring and understanding staff. They are able to create an environment where everyone is family and even though they may be far away from home, Trail Blazers feels like home. In this environment you are free to express your feelings and ideas.
After Trail Blazers, I realized how much I had been missing and how the simple things in life really mean the most at the end of the day. Today, with Wishbone's help, I was able to make that once in a lifetime experience at Trail Blazers and next summer, I plan to return to Trail Blazers as an employee. Without Wishbone I would have never been able to fund my tuition to Trail Blazers, and would have never made the lifelong friendships I established. This was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Thank you for your help!
In the Under One Sky Leadership Team I hope to gain a world of knowledge about the world around us and become aware of how we as young individuals can make a difference in our communities. I am really excited about the camping experience because I have never gone camping and although I am a bit anxious I am ready to face whatever challenges I may encounter. Even though I'm somewhat nervous I plan to familiarize myself with the mentors and camp mates as much as possible so I feel less nervous and more ready to go out there and participate. I am also excited about the hands-on conservation opportunities we will be part of because I love the outdoors and engaging myself into community service activities that I enjoy. My goals for the program are to always give my best to whatever activity the team is doing, to support and help others when they are in need of help and finally to stay positive and gain as much experience and knowledge as I can during the camp.
I am extremly grateful for every contribution, whether big or small, that is providing me with sufficient funds to attend the "Under One Sky" Leadership Team this upcoming year. My heart, as well as my family's, goes to you all for your individual acts of generosity and compassion towards my personal goal. I am thrilled to become a member of the UOS Leadership Team because I will be pursuing my passion for environmental sustainability and conservation. At the same time, I will gain crucial leadership skills that will assist me in my near future when I have to take the next big step to college!

Anonymous |
Trail Blazers |
Scholarship Provider
Trail Blazers
Matching Donor
Sending Lorea to Trail Blazers Summer Sleepaway Camp will cost $1,650.
Learn more about Trail Blazers Summer Sleepaway Camp →
Tuition | $1,500 |
Application Fees | $0 |
Room & Board | $0 |
Transportation | $0 |
Mentoring & Guidance | $150 |
Materials | $0 |
Total |