Whisper has applied to attend Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes this summer and is raising funds for her program fees. Can you help?
Liberal Arts
Aspire Golden State College Preporatory Academy
Oakland, CA
Successfully funded on April 24th, 2017!
Fully funded!
$6,500 raised
$0 to go
Still want to help? Donate directly to Wishbone so we can help more students like Whisper.
Donate to Wishbone
Whisper's Story

My passion is psychology.

I had a passion for psychology since I was a child. It first arose when my mother died and I needed to go to therapy when I was six. I started to deal with my trauma and get more familiar with the benefits of therapy. As I got older and started to think about my future I started to look into what Psychology was and what careers would lead me into this field. The summer before my Sophomore year I took an Introduction to Psychology class, and any doubt I had about Psychology vanished. I knew during the few weeks of that course that I was destined to pursue it. Psychology not only helped me emotionally and mentally, it lead to something that makes me genuinely happy. One of my greatest passions sprouted from my greatest trauma, I sometimes ponder what Freud, Piaget, or Skinner would say about that.

A Note from Ms. Immekus, Whisper's Mentor

I have known Whisper’s family since before she was born, for nearly 20 years now. I have maintained ongoing contact with the family and have had the pleasure of watching Whisper become the person that she is today. Despite the obstacles that she’s had to overcome, Whisper is amazing; she is smart and kind and generous, she is an extremely hard worker, she gets excellent grades in school.

Whisper is honest, loyal, and responsible. Already, she has embodied the qualities of a therapist. For example, when two students at her middle school confided in her that they were harming themselves (by cutting themselves), she called me immediately for advice on what to say to them and what to do. She then spoke to the Principal at her school, and he was able to get assistance for those girls. She also knows when to seek help for others.

Whisper also knows when to ask for help for herself. She talks with her grandmother, Cathy, about her thoughts and feelings, and she also talks with me whenever she needs additional support.

Whisper is stimulated by her college classes, and thrives in all forms of diversity within the classroom. Whisper is bilingual in English and Spanish, and studying American Sign Language with the goal to soon be trilingual. She demonstrates an existential outlook on life, and will without a doubt be a lifelong learner.

At the age of 16, Whisper already demonstrates the underlying qualities of a good therapist. What she needs is the opportunity to explore this framework deeper, and learn more about the path she can take to fulfill her professional ambitions. The exchange of ideas at Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes will help her to further develop her own sense of self.

Campaign Activity
Whisper posted an update
September 15
2017: The Most Amazing Summer of my Life

This Summer brought me millions of laughs, life long friends and a greater passion for learning. I attended this program with all hopes to better understand Sociology. I came out of this program with a new perspective on my life, the world around me and the daily systems society was created upon. I knew as soon as I got on campus that I was meant to be there for the rest of my life. I have applied all I learned in that class and program to my daily live to help me grow as a person and as a student. Thank you to all who helped me achieve my goal and thank you to all who supported me when my situation became rough.

At one of the bonfires our house hosted
At one of the bonfires our house hosted
While exploring the campus with my amazing new friends
While exploring the campus with my amazing new friends
Sociology Class on a field trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium the last day of class
Sociology Class on a field trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium the last day of class
Whisper posted an update
May 8
With much Love and Good Energy... Con Mucho Amor y Buena Energia

A giant thank you to all my donors, and to all the people who encouraged me to apply and strive for excellence. I am very excited to be attending such an amazing program. I am soon going to start packing and saying my goodbyes! I am honoured to say I am a product of all my family's good energies and all the blessings I have received from all my donors and the people in my life.

Unas gracias enormes a todos los que donaron, y a todas las personas que me animaron a aplicar y luchar por la excelencia. Estoy muy emocionado de poder asistir a un programa tan increíble. ¡Pronto voy a empezar a empacar y a decir adiós! Me siento honrada de decir que soy un producto de todas las buenas energías de mi familia y todas las bendiciones que he recibido de todos los que donaron por mi y la gente en mi vida.

Success! Ms. Immekus helped Whisper raise $6,500
April 24
IRMA LUNDERMAN donated $111
April 24
Mike Marquez donated $25
April 24

An Anonymous Donor matched this donation with $25

Catalina Govea donated $40
April 21

You're one of the greatest kids (outside of my family) that I know.

An Anonymous Donor matched this donation with $40

Kevin Wu donated $100
April 21

Enjoy your summer at Stanford, Whisper! I hope it opens up your world to new opportunities!

An Anonymous Donor matched this donation with $100

Lois Tagami donated $50
April 21

You are such an amazing person, Whisper! Enjoy this awesome opportunity at Stanford!

An Anonymous Donor matched this donation with $50

Maria Espejo donated $100
April 20

Sigue luchando por tus sueños. Nunca te des por vencida. Tu puedes lograr todo lo que te propones. Eres una jovencita muy luchadora.

An Anonymous Donor matched this donation with $100

Florencio Espino donated $30
April 20

Hope you the best..! and never give up on your dream.....Espino family

An Anonymous Donor matched this donation with $30

Maria Ramirez donated $300
April 18

An Anonymous Donor matched this donation with $300

Curtiis Cowan donated $25
April 18

An Anonymous Donor matched this donation with $25

Deanna Beach donated $100
April 17

Hooray Whisper! Good luck <3

Cathy & Larry Dutcher donated $75
April 17
Anonymous donated $300
April 15

Sigue tus propositos en tu vida .... telo mereses

Margarita Victoriano donated $100
April 15

Estamos muy orgullosos de ti mija sige adelante con tus sueños primera mete dios lo Lograrás te queremos dios te bendiga siempre 🙏🏼❤️😘

jaime Aguirrr donated $100
April 15

Whisper si se puede ya se pudo ya nos fuimos a estudiar

Edwyn Aguirre donated $25
April 15

Prima échale muchas ganas a estudiar te quiero mucho

Gin Pang donated $50
April 14

Whisper, we are so proud of you. Good luck at Stanford and have a fun summer! -- Gin and Robert

Edwyn Aguirre donated $25
April 14

Whisper te deseo de todo corazón que te valla vien en estanfor

Jane Rowson donated $50
April 14

I am glad you will get the chance to go to Stanford this summer. When it comes time for you to decide on a college, keep your mind open to Cal Berkeley, my alma mater. Ha!

Debbie Dritz donated $50
April 14
Alana Crary donated $100
April 13

You go girl, rockin it

Arturo RAmirez donated $500
April 13
Cheryl Hussey donated $50
April 13
Alicia & Mike Hernandez donated $100
April 12

Whisper, you are an amazing young woman! I shared your story, good luck reaching your goal! <3

Mary Roberts donated $50
April 12
Maria Alejo donated $25
April 11

Échale muchas ganas ❤️❤️

Student Contribution donated $99
March 29
Stanford University
Stanford University donated $3,250
March 29
Ms. Immekus started this campaign
March 29
Whisper was accepted into Wishbone!
February 1