Anna has applied to attend Crucible - Youth Jewelry Immersion Program this summer and is raising funds for her program fees. Can you help?
Successfully funded on July 15th, 2013!
Fully funded!
$338 raised
$0 to go
Still want to help? Donate directly to Wishbone so we can help more students like Anna.
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Anna's Story

Anna has always had a deep love of art – it is the one subject where she can truly express herself. She has enjoyed the art program at school, but is ready to conquer working with a new medium. She can do just that at The Crucible Youth Program.

Campaign Activity
Anna posted an update
January 2
Handmade rings

I finished my program at the Crucible, and it was an amazing experience.  Here is a picture of jewelry that I made: they are angel wings made of copper and brass. I melted them on a silver ring that I also made myself, and then I engraved words on the ring. 
I had such a great time at the Crucible, and I really enjoyed the opportunity to be creative and explore my love of art. Thank you for helping me attend this program!

Success! Anna's campaign raised $338
July 15
Anonymous donated $293
July 15
Anonymous donated $45
February 7