Ashley has applied to attend Education Unlimited A+ Summer Leadership this summer and is raising funds for her program fees. Can you help?
Oakland Technical High School
Oakland, California
Successfully funded on April 25th, 2018!
Fully funded!
$2,595 raised
$0 to go
Still want to help? Donate directly to Wishbone so we can help more students like Ashley.
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Ashley's Story

My passion is entrepreneurship. When I was in third grade, I asked a group of friends to forage around our school to look for something to invent together. Whenever we had a chance, we would look for things we could try to turn into something cool. I came to realize this was the catalyst to my interest in entrepreneurship. Last summer, I was offered an opportunity to attend the Berkeley Business Academy for Youth and was overjoyed. The classes immersed me in ideas and concepts about creativity, business and entrepreneurship. I realized that we are surrounded by business, and everything that we use or do correlates with business. Importantly, I learned more about social capital and how we can use businesses not only for profit, but to actually change the lives of people for the better. I strive to enhance this knowledge and to use it to make a positive change in the world. Attending Education Unlimited A+ Summer Leadership would help me improve my leadership skills and expand my knowledge of business and entrepreneurship. The opportunity to be surrounded by people from different areas of the world who share my passion excites me.

A Note from Mr. wright, Ashley's Mentor

Ashley is the perfect candidate for Education Unlimited A+ Summer Leadership. When Ashley and I first met she wanted advice for how to build a mobile application that would help students to navigate high school. The first part of the project she wanted to build was a map of the school. I gave her some advice and expected to not see her again. She came back the next day with the first steps completed. This has continued to this day. The app she wants to build is complicated and she has needed to learn a lot of new skills in the process. She has been diligent and patient. A very unusual amount of resilience. Ashley is extraordinary. What I see in Ashley are the ingredients necessary for a great entrepreneur. We will all be working for her some day.

Campaign Activity
Ashley posted an update
August 20
Post-Program update!

I am glad to say that attending Education Unlimited's A+ Leadership camp this summer at Stanford taught me a lot. After learning about how to be a better leader and ways in which we are all leaders, I definitely feel more confident and comfortable to help solve problems in bigger and smaller ways. I much enjoyed spending my time on the campus and meeting people from all over.

Ashley posted an update
May 21
Thank you for your generosity!

Having the ability to even get into a program like this is such an honor in itself and I definitely would not be able to even attend without your help. It means so much to me that someone would even care about another stranger's education and even more that they are willing to donate. I am very excited to attend the Education Unlimited Leadership program at Stanford University this summer and my parents are super grateful also. Thank you so much for this incredible opportunity!

Success! Mr. wright helped Ashley raise $2,595
April 25
Wishbone General Fund donated $988
April 25
College Track Summer Fund donated $989
April 25
Education Unlimited
Education Unlimited donated $519
March 15
Student Contribution donated $99
March 15
Mr. wright started this campaign
March 15
Ashley was accepted into Wishbone!
February 1